
Adobe AIR native extension

Google Plus AIR Native Extension

The extension is available here: com.distriqt.GooglePlus


Setup your Google Project

1. Google Developers Console project
2. Android Certificate Fingerprint
3. Google Identity Options

Setup the Extension

1. Add the Extension
2. Initialise


1. Setup
2. Signing In/Out
3. Disconnect
4. Sharing a Post

External Links

- ASDocs

Android Certificate Fingerprint

This is where most people will run into issues getting this extension to work and signing in users.

Using a certificate that doesn’t match the one you entered in the project configuration will cause the sign in process to fail silently!

You must take care in using the correct certificate fingerprint to create your Android credentials. You will need the SHA1 fingerprint of your signing certificate here. This is the p12 certificate you use to sign your application.

keytool -exportcert -keystore YOUR_CERTIFICATE.p12 -storepass YOUR_PASSWORD -list -v -storetype PKCS12


Often when debugging using an IDE the IDE will use a temporary debug certificate to sign your application, even if you have set application configuration to use your production certificate.

There are two options to get around this, the first is to create another project (as above) using instead the debug certificate signature.

The following command retrieves the SHA1 signature for the debug certificate used in Flash Builder on macOS (OSX).

keytool -exportcert -keystore /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.7/eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flexide.multiplatform.android_4.7.0.349722/resources/debug-certificate-android.p12 -storepass debug -list -v -storetype PKCS12

We do not advise using this to create your Google project as it can be difficult to change when you go into production, so make sure you create a second debugging project.

Using the production certificate for debugging

The best method to debug is to use your production certificate for debugging. Getting this working requires a few configuration tricks.

Flash Builder

Go to ‘Properties’ for your project

Flash Builder will not save the password for the certificate. So each time you relaunch Flash Builder you will need to reenter the password in the debug settings.